Engineering Equipment for Gas and Thermal Plants
Sara is primarily involved in identifying, developing, securing and executing contracts for the supply of equipment,including Turnkey Projects. Sara Incorporated is recognized not merely as the Authorized Distributor of the global majors it represents but importantly asprovider of quality equipment, services and consultancy it provides to clients.
Repair and Upgradation
We have refurbished equipment sold by the erstwhile Soviet Union and also undertaken subsequent ongoing maintenance to the satisfaction of our clients. In our experience, revamping and refurbishing equipment is a complex process, tougher in many ways than selling new equipment. it requires an understanding of customer expectations as well as technical know-how and is thus a challenge as well as an opportunity. There is, often, underutilized potential that can therefore provide opportunities for creating superior performance for the customer and a business opportunity for our principals.

The strength of Sara Incorporated is in its partnerships with some of the world’s leading and reputed majors in the Power Industry. Its role is to be the extended arm of its Business Associates in India, offering value-added services including but not limited to after-sales support. Sara Incorporated has built a high degree of customer confidence by providing increased value for money through International standards of product quality, performance and superior customer service.

Sara is proud to be as a supplier for motor controllers for commercial electronic vehicles to EV start-up Evage Ventures Private Limited and IX Energy Limited. Sara has also partnered withDanfoss India to develop and launch S-Grid Energy Storage Systems, in February 2022 India'sfirst grid-scale battery-based energystorage system,in Oragadam, Chennai. Sara Incorporated has successfully executed scores of contracts involving supply of equipment, spare parts, services including Turnkey Projects and O&M Contracts for various clients. A listing of some of the clients is provided below.
Our Customers:
a. IX Energy
b. Evage
c. Danfoss Industries Pvt. Ltd.
d. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)
e. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)
f. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. (L&T)
g. NTPC Ltd